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St. Comgall's National School, Connons, Clones, Co. Monaghan

Active School Week 2021


St. Comgall’s N.S. commits to having an Active School Week programme as part of our annual school calendar. This initiative involves pupils in the design and organisation of our Active School Week. Their suggestions are welcomed and incorporated where possible. The Active School Week includes activities that are fun, involve physical activity, are cross curricular and are inclusive of all pupils. We invite the assistance of parents, sports clubs and the local community to help deliver our ASW programme.


In 2021 ASW took place from Monday 17th June to Friday 21st June. The focus was on a different activity each day and all activities were based around being active. Pupils wore their tracksuits daily to school to promote physical activity; they participated enthusiastically in activities at Clones Peace Link Centre, were put through our soccer paces by Euan Trainor, were exhilarated at Navan Centre and Fort  and were put to the ‘beat’ at a dance workshop. Indeed, the active week was completed with Sport’s Day on the Friday and the effort put in by staff and pupils on this day was enormous. The children had a fantastic week and it was definitely one of the highlights of the school calendar! 



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